2016년 2월 16일 화요일

the 1th day in Korea for internship at brand Redergen

the 1th day in Korea for internship at brand Redergen 

- In plane for Seoul, Korea

22th January, we took the plane with Sarah direction Seoul at 3:00 pm, I was a little afraid and I was expecting of many bad situation. 
it's my first time to travel outside Europe and outside home, so this is very important to me. 

When we were at plane, we were to exciting because Korea is a country that we love, so working at a company as Redergen is a chance for us.

so when the pilot said "we are now in Italy", I just told in myself "let's go to Korea, and let's have fun !". 

we don't take an plane directly for Seoul, but we passed at Doha, in Qatar.

Even if it was just for 2 hours, we just like it. it have a big teddy, and car, many restaurant and shops, it was wonderful. And then, we take the plane for Seoul and we come at 23th January at 16:00 at Incheon. 
we were so exciting and happy to be here. 

it was the night, when I was at home. I'm not living with Sarah because we are thinking that it will be a little too much. so when I was at home, I feel very strange, i said to me "this is my home, this is mine".

I though that I will like Korea, but now that I'm here, I definitely love it.

Good day to you.

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