2016년 2월 17일 수요일

Excursion at Bukhasan mountain by Redergen's Intern

Excursion at Bukhasan mountain by Redergen's Intern

- Seollal's holiday

After Seollal's day, because Redergen give to us some holidays, we prepared to go at Bukhasan mountain.

It was our first mountain excursion and we were so exciting.
We expected to be very tired or lost~~ :D 

We woke up at 9:00 am to prepared lunch, because we though to eat at Bukhasan peak. even if all Seoul was sleeping at this time because of Seollal, we were very woken.

And then at 11:00 am we were at the foot of the mountain, and what we said is "gosh! it's big".

but, we were very decided to walk into the peak. and we walk during 1 hours approximately and then we ate at the middle peak of bukhasan. 

Even if we were very tired, when we saw the view it was really beautiful and I feel as flying over Seoul. 

we stayed a long time before to decided to go at the real peak.
the way was really hard, it have no stairs, no carpets, and no protection. just a road with rock and earth.

but we do it, we walked 718 meters and we were very high to Seoul, the view was as plane view. Seoul seems very small and I remember to search Namsan Tower which was very far to us.

furthermore, the mostly funny time in this excursion it was a the descent, a old man give to us kaki to eat and he spoke with us, I don't know his name but he was really cute to help us.

even it was a little bit tired I wanna to go again for the spring. because I think it's better with some flower.

Good day to you.

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