2016년 2월 25일 목요일

Immigration service for Alien Card by Redergen's Interns

Immigration service for Alien Card by Redergen's Interns

- Never-ending wait

23th, Tuesday February, Redergen give to us our day to make our Alien card. Alien card is a ID card, which I can stay legally in South Korea. because, when you stay more than 3 month you must to make a visa and an Alien card. 

So at 8 pm, we go a Immigration office and we arrived there at 9 pm. this is very far, and I don't understand why this is not close. anyway, when we arrived we saw a lot of people, it was as all of Seoul came to this office. 

When we went inside, all people take their tickets but because we didn't know what where we have to go (there is 3 floors). and then, time to go take the tickets, there is 50 persons before us *dead* 

So we wait, wait, wait, wait and wait again. it was very long and of course to add to that we didn't have internet. *dead again*.

some people gave up, at 10 o'clock but we stayed there speaking, laughing and... waiting. 

at 12 pm I tried to call my tutor to tell her that we couldn't come at 1 pm but nothing. so I text to her and she replied to take all the day. 

we stayed until 2 pm, because at 12 pm entire staff take their break for an hour. 
how can I tell you what I thought at this time ? entire staff... not one, not two stayed but they all. 

So at 2 pm it was finally our turn but the lady told us that this is not the good office for Sarah, because offices are divide into district, and then her office is not at Yangcheon but at Jongak. 
and for me, she gave to me a paper to tell me that my folder is not complete. 

Yes... we stayed all that day, miss work for nothing. *dead for real*

Well I have to go again there ㅎ...ㅎ...ㅎ...

Good day to you.

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