2016년 2월 16일 화요일

The 15th day of internship at Whitening Cosmetic Brand Redergen

The 15th day of internship at Whitening Cosmetic Brand Redergen

- Going to Itaewon !

We were going to Itaewon ( it's was recommended by Regerden company) , Itaewon is well known to be a district for foreigners. We can see a lot of shop, korean restaurant but more foreign restaurant like Italian, French, Pubs, Kebab and so on.
We visited the street, they have a lot of people, and espacially young people like us hahaha !
We visited too a Line shop it was sooo big I really like it and it was so cute xD , if you go to Itaewon you must to go there !!
And a little higher of Itaewon, we discovered Turkish district ( I mean especially muslim district), is very good for muslims people because they have all restaurants hallal is good for poeple who can't eat in other korean or other restaurant. We saw Mosque of Seoul and a  big Church so beautiful !

It was a good day , I appreciate to see a new district in Seoul because they have a lot of it and they aren't the same.

I will go again !!

Written by Sarah ;D

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