2016년 2월 29일 월요일

Daily report at Redergen's Company

Daily report at Redergen's Company

Come to office
Write monthly report
Upload blog
Re-edit the new buyer list
Upload Redergen review on blog

Today, I was impressed about snow... I know this is not something I learn but I don't see snow since 4 years...

About work, we worked by our-self, it was good. we decided to write blog because we like it ^_^

Good day to you

2016년 2월 28일 일요일

Redergen Redness vitamin B+C cream Review

Redergen Redness vitamin B+C cream Review
- Redness

I will speak about redness vitamin cream, this cream is really interesting because many people are suffering to this skin problem. 

For me this is cream is very important, I have this red skin and even if I use a foundation this is not enough and not very good for my skin. 

What I like more in this cream, that is not a mix of many cream, I mean it just for redness and nothing else. Not whitening, not lifting (I am the type of person who doesn't like all in one), so this cream is perfect on this view. 

About packaging, this is very pretty, this purple color is very girl style ㅋㅋㅋ. And, I like this pump cream, this is for me more useful than box cream. 

And of course, this is for texture. this is a little bit liquid and for a box it will be difficult to make it on the face. 

Well, the packaging is perfect, smell is another story ㅋㅋㅋ but it odorless after few minute. 

So at the end, my skin because redness, soft and odorless ㅋㅋㅋ . 
And thanks to vitamin C and B my skin is repair because Protect the cells of the damages caused by the free radicals and unifies the complexion.

To conclude I recommend this product if you have this problem. 

Good day to you

Digital Media City visiting by Redergen's intern

Digital Media City visiting by Redergen's intern
- After work

I was searching of what to do after work and I remember of Avenger movie. It's funny but I was really interested about this statue of two men. 

Before coming in Korea, I thought that I must to see it and with Sarah we decided to go there.

Firstly we were really impressing about this many high building. And after see that this building were SBS, MBC, KBS and YTN we knew why this place name Digital Media City. 

I remember that we said this is a consecration for a person who would like to be a journalist. 

We search about "my" statue, this is mine now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

And we find this two head that I saw in other film (I don't remember which one). We took many pictures and we saw some teenagers group front of YTN, I think they were there to go at a show. 

After that, we walk for searching some other, and we saw far away lighting, "my statue" !
we take... well a lot of pictures, I was so happy !

And then, we walk again on "MBC" street and we saw filming. we thought at first that it was for a movie or a drama. but it was for a add. 
We stayed there 20 minutes, too many people were watching it because it was Park Bogum. But we didn't see anything and it was to late. So we go at home. 

Well it was very fun and I'm happy to saw my statue. 

Good day to you

My monthly report in Redergen company

My monthly report in Redergen company 

- February the begin of the adventure

Namsam village
Fanta-Stick show
Itaewon, Hannam, Gangnam
Compared between French trend and Korean trend
History of Korean cosmetics
National museum of Korea
Bukhasan mountain
New products upload on BuyKorea.com
Iwha mural village
Omaeyma’s birthday, Lotte world mall, Coex mall
Review, and search French Youtuber
Digital Media City
Yeonsung university

Once upon a time two French girls who decided to discover new horizons, South Korea. This country was very mysterious for our two protagonists. 

The adventure begun at the moment when our two heroines put their foot in the plane. They crossed lands and unknown oceans. 

When she arrived at destination, they felt... the cold grrrrrrrrr 

While her friend was in the subway for Seoul, Sarah ran in the airport to find her coach. Then she said herself in the coach which took it at her home “that is adventure! ". 

And days passed, they went to climb the mountain: the highest of Seoul!! Visit streets of Myeondong, explore Itaewon’s avenue and learn history of Korea at National Museum of Korea and liked the Fanta-Stick show with their working team, and finally live the most magic moment with the Korean New Year (Seollal).

However, it’s in their internship at Redergen that they were able to meet great people, to learn the Korean culture and work  ardently for their graduation, by looking for new buyers, looking for cosmetics, testing products and so on... 

Is it the end of trip ? 

아니요, it has just beginning.

Good day to you.
Omaeyma and Sarah

2016년 2월 26일 금요일

Md Nutrition Cream & Cleanser review

MD Nutrition Cream & Cleanser review 
- Local cream

Today I would like to speak about Md products and precisely Nutrition cream and cleanser. 

What you have to know about Md product that this brand is totally Korean. All ingredients are Korean and this is why I tried. 

In history, Korea used many ingredient for skin care, the most famous is Ginseng but for Nutrition cream is bay salt.
And for this ingredient MD go at Shinan a island is very famous by UNESCO, so I'm totally reassuring about it. 

So let's start !

At the first time, this cream show you that this is really different than Redergen product. Forget all mirror style and just focus of ingredient and well done of this product. 

Forget too about the smell. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Well what MD would like to say with their cream is " we are pharmaceutical company, we sell just ingredient and nothing else". 

And the smell doesn't stay... :) so that fine !

Furthermore, Md make two size for Nutrition cream, really appreciate it. the little one is for trip and this is very useful because in plane we can't take the big one in our bag. 

After apply, my skin became really soft and less red. 
I like it too much and if you don't test it you will regret. 

Good day to you.

2016년 2월 25일 목요일

Immigration service for Alien Card by Redergen's Interns

Immigration service for Alien Card by Redergen's Interns

- Never-ending wait

23th, Tuesday February, Redergen give to us our day to make our Alien card. Alien card is a ID card, which I can stay legally in South Korea. because, when you stay more than 3 month you must to make a visa and an Alien card. 

So at 8 pm, we go a Immigration office and we arrived there at 9 pm. this is very far, and I don't understand why this is not close. anyway, when we arrived we saw a lot of people, it was as all of Seoul came to this office. 

When we went inside, all people take their tickets but because we didn't know what where we have to go (there is 3 floors). and then, time to go take the tickets, there is 50 persons before us *dead* 

So we wait, wait, wait, wait and wait again. it was very long and of course to add to that we didn't have internet. *dead again*.

some people gave up, at 10 o'clock but we stayed there speaking, laughing and... waiting. 

at 12 pm I tried to call my tutor to tell her that we couldn't come at 1 pm but nothing. so I text to her and she replied to take all the day. 

we stayed until 2 pm, because at 12 pm entire staff take their break for an hour. 
how can I tell you what I thought at this time ? entire staff... not one, not two stayed but they all. 

So at 2 pm it was finally our turn but the lady told us that this is not the good office for Sarah, because offices are divide into district, and then her office is not at Yangcheon but at Jongak. 
and for me, she gave to me a paper to tell me that my folder is not complete. 

Yes... we stayed all that day, miss work for nothing. *dead for real*

Well I have to go again there ㅎ...ㅎ...ㅎ...

Good day to you.

Daily report by Redergen's intern 2016.02.25

Daily report by Redergen's intern 2016.02.25

< Time Table>

Come to office
Re-write mail for buyer
Upload Google blog
Send mail to buyers
Ideas for white day event
Search some picture for spring event, white day event, entrance school event
Upload Redergen review on Google blog

Today, we learn about white day, well not really learn because I know about this day since a long time. But, on marketing view I didn’t know that this is preparing very long before.
So we make some research and we find that many brands do it.

I like white day, I think this is a good idea ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This is like a answer about love.

But I more interesting by Black-day because of Jjajangmyeon :D (I told you that I love food).

Oh! And we send a mail to buyers to get a encouraging our internship, I hope we will received some answers J

Well it’s time to go.

Good day to you.
