2016년 3월 30일 수요일

리더겐외 인턴으로 방무 창경궁 공전/ changyeonggung palace visiting by Rerdergen's interns

리더겐외 인턴으로 방무 창경궁 공전/ Changyeonggung palace visiting by Rerdergen's interns
- Palace at night

Exceptionally, the five great palace of Seoul, are open by night until 04/04. So we decided to go at one of them, Changyeonggung palace. 
It have a lot of people, but it was nice !

The first view when we entered in this palace, it was this pretty cherry blossom illuminated by a light just beside and the ending look pretty. So we took some pictures and we continued our visit. 

After the second door, it have a open corridor when we saw far away Namsan Tower, it was very pretty, and I thought "Namsan tower... again".   

And it was just at the third door, that we were really inside the palace. It was a little bit dark because it doesn't have many lights, but it was very pretty and make it peaceful. 

All the palace was like this, not really lighting but very beautiful. It was particularly beautiful because 꽃 which are all on the palace. 

We take too many pictures front lights, 꽃 and lake.

And for the end, beside all this historic place, then constructed a greenhouse. it was all in glass and then very beautiful, front of this greenhouse, they installed a fountain, it was not working but it was still beautiful.

In this greenhouse, it have many plants, 꽃, 나무. And, we took some pictures with it. 
But, some pictures of Sarah was a little bit 이상한 (strange), because she seems like eat plants ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. So I don't want to show you, you will be scaredㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

To conclude, it was very beautiful and interesting to visit it by night. But, I would like to visit it by day, I think it will be very different.

Good day to you.

2016년 3월 27일 일요일

Redergen interns visit Bukhansan again/ 리더겐 인턴 북한산에 다시 오다

Redergen interns visit Bukhansan again/  리더겐 인턴 북한산에 다시 오다

- Wonhyobong peak

This Sunday we went at...북한산 (yes again ^_^).
We went at this mountain before but this time it was with some friends and across the great peak. 

I meet some of friends (and neighbors....) and we take the train to 충무로 to meet Sarah. And then we go to 구파발 to meet some others friends... We were totally 9 persons. 

We finally arrived at 북한산 park, we take some pictures and we walked. 

It was funny because me and Sarah we walked too fast for some of friends ㅋㅋㅋ so we walk slowly to not lost the other groups.

The leader of the group told us that it was easy in this way, but for me after 1 hour it was a little bit hard because it was as a stairs, not as our first time in 북한산, so I beg him too many times to take a break.

Finally we arrived at the peak and it was so~~~ beautiful. Very peaceful and it have less people than in the great peak.This one is 500 meter and it have some child O_O

We took many... No a lot of pictures and we went eat some snacks. 

After that, we went at down and eat in a restaurant and the women gave to us some free foods to taste, I don't know the name but it was very good.

And at the end we all take a bus for 서울역, and we return at home. 

End. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Good day to you

2016년 3월 23일 수요일

리더겐 프랑스인턴 진짜뷰티 촬영장에 가다

리더겐 프랑스인턴 진짜뷰티 촬영장에 가다

- 진짜뷰티 (Real Beauty)

On Air Date : 04/05

Today we had a chance to participated to a TV show named Real Beauty introducing by 박은지 , 남지현 (4 minute). In this show, MC take a cosmetic product and make a review with their opinions and feeling about the products.

And today, Redergen whitening was showing and reviewing by every columnists in this show. They explain, with wax figure where products must to act. 
They explain for Underarm whitening겨드랑이 미백 and Body Whitening 바디 미백, that this is naked moisturizer 속살크림, and they were all interested by underarm because it's a part particularly which become easily black.

At the end, even if they present another products, Redergen 리더겐 has been choose. They all explain that because of some black part of body as joint, underarm. So I was happy. 

Redergen 리더겐 products are all for whitening, but when we talk about whitening, we think face. But it's not for 리더겐, our products is must for body, part of body which is very darken as underarms and I think this what MC and panels likes. because of natural ingredients as Max joint lightening, it is composed by jojoba oil and olive oil.

Jojoba oil protects from the dehydration and slows down the losses in water of the cells-units of the skin. Nourishing, it penetrates in depth into the skin without leaving of on-surface oily film.

Re-balancing, it has a seborrhea regulating action regulate the secretions of sebum. The jojoba oil is known for its soothing and healing action. Protective, softening and soothing, it suits in sensitive skins. Regenerating and antigenic, it maintains the flexibility and the elasticity of the skin activate the metabolism of the elastic. Participle to smooth and to firm up a skin which becomes flask.

Antioxidant, protect from bad action and prevent ageing process. Olive oil is really rich and nutritive for skin. Calming, it reduce redness and irritation. Very soft, it perfectly for any skins.

and All Redergen 리더겐 as Underarm whitening겨드랑이 미백 and Body Whitening 바디 미백products are like that. Making with natural ingredients which making your skin soft, white and more beauty and they are all naked moisturizer 속살크림.

In France I have been in a TV show as viewer. but, I have the same feeling now and a little bit more than in France because it have 남지현 from 4 minute and because of in France it was intellectual show and today it was more interesting because of cosmetics. 
I was really impressed about cameras and staff, because when you are a viewer you just take a seat and you don't really see cameras. but today I was beside cameras and it was really impressive.

When, MC and panels of Real Beauty 진짜뷰티 show comes, I thought "Wow! I like her dress", for all of them. their dresses were so cute, and beauty. 
They took their seat and speaking, laughing and even if I didn't understand I feel good atmosphere.

And then, someone said "standby!" and all of them be quiet. it was very peaceful, but too long. the first MC ask where she has to see, which camera. and I thought "she is lost as me". 
After some minutes, show began and it was really fun !

To conclude, I was really happy and I hope we will do something like this again. 
And if you would like to see it, it will be On Air April, 5th on K star channel. 

And then, Good day to you

2016년 3월 20일 일요일

리더겐 인턴의 찜질방 체험

리더겐 인턴의 찜질방 체험
사우나 그리고 스파

This week end, we went at 짐질방, because of long week that we had. so we decided to go there for all the day and we went there at 11:00 am. 

The first view that we had it was this big building where writing "dragon hill spa 24h". This is particularly stranger for us because we never see a sauna or a spa open 24h/24h. 

At the enter, it had a men disguised with a old guard costume, and main corridor was as a jungle. We paid and a woman give to us a t-shirt and a short, and a electronic bracelet. We passed to the machine (like subway machine) and enter at main hall after make our shoes on a locker.

We take a elevator to go at women's place. And 타담! they were all naked. it surprised me, and I thought "oh it's like hammam in Morocco". After that, we changed and go to the bath's room. It have a many baths, Jacuzzi, and different temperature: 38°c, 42°c, 44°c, 25°c, and so on... And beside all of this baths it have two saunas... one for adult 70°c and one for child 40°c. We went at all of baths and i appreciate it, it was very peaceful, and relaxing. we decided to go at adult's sauna but... We go out after 5 minutes (we were thinking as we was on a oven ㅎㅎㅎ).

After take a shower, we went upside and wearing t-shirt and short to go eat at restaurants. It just have one and it was downside. Sarah take a 장잠밥, and me a 미역국, it was good and the place was lightening. We buy some a drink with rice, and we go at some saunas. 

Salt room: It's room with some rock and we sleep on this. I remember that MD as a product with salt from Jeju. so I think salt is very good for skin. 

Pyramid room: Theirs rooms, were not particularly hot, 38°c and 40°c and then we stayed there a long times. 

Traditional room: Because of other were filled we go just on medium room, but it was very hot inside and very closed. 

Super hot place: Sarah told me that she would like to go there so I take my brave and went with there. I thought that we will stayed just a few minutes but we stayed a long time. 

Igloo: Sauna is normally hot but this one was cold, very cold 4°c precisely, we... just stayed there a few minutes ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

After did this all place we went upside and then we take our bags and went at home. 

Good day to you