2016년 3월 20일 일요일

리더겐 인턴의 찜질방 체험

리더겐 인턴의 찜질방 체험
사우나 그리고 스파

This week end, we went at 짐질방, because of long week that we had. so we decided to go there for all the day and we went there at 11:00 am. 

The first view that we had it was this big building where writing "dragon hill spa 24h". This is particularly stranger for us because we never see a sauna or a spa open 24h/24h. 

At the enter, it had a men disguised with a old guard costume, and main corridor was as a jungle. We paid and a woman give to us a t-shirt and a short, and a electronic bracelet. We passed to the machine (like subway machine) and enter at main hall after make our shoes on a locker.

We take a elevator to go at women's place. And 타담! they were all naked. it surprised me, and I thought "oh it's like hammam in Morocco". After that, we changed and go to the bath's room. It have a many baths, Jacuzzi, and different temperature: 38°c, 42°c, 44°c, 25°c, and so on... And beside all of this baths it have two saunas... one for adult 70°c and one for child 40°c. We went at all of baths and i appreciate it, it was very peaceful, and relaxing. we decided to go at adult's sauna but... We go out after 5 minutes (we were thinking as we was on a oven ㅎㅎㅎ).

After take a shower, we went upside and wearing t-shirt and short to go eat at restaurants. It just have one and it was downside. Sarah take a 장잠밥, and me a 미역국, it was good and the place was lightening. We buy some a drink with rice, and we go at some saunas. 

Salt room: It's room with some rock and we sleep on this. I remember that MD as a product with salt from Jeju. so I think salt is very good for skin. 

Pyramid room: Theirs rooms, were not particularly hot, 38°c and 40°c and then we stayed there a long times. 

Traditional room: Because of other were filled we go just on medium room, but it was very hot inside and very closed. 

Super hot place: Sarah told me that she would like to go there so I take my brave and went with there. I thought that we will stayed just a few minutes but we stayed a long time. 

Igloo: Sauna is normally hot but this one was cold, very cold 4°c precisely, we... just stayed there a few minutes ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

After did this all place we went upside and then we take our bags and went at home. 

Good day to you

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