2016년 4월 17일 일요일

New Redergen's intern Sarah Dp arrival / 새로운 프랑스 인턴 Sarah Dp, 리더겐에 오다

New Redergen's intern Sarah Dp arrival / 새로운 프랑스 인턴 Sarah Dp, 리더겐에 오다

-My arrival in Seoul (서을)

I arrived in Seoul (서을) on Thursday 14th after a trip of 18 hours from Paris (파리). It was such an exhausting trip because my flight had been delayed 5 hours during my stop in London (런던).

Exiting my british airlines flight, I couldn't realize that i was in Asia and in Korea (대한민국)
At the airport, I was like a kid fascinated by all these new things that I was discovering.
My colleague Diena went to pick me up. I felt so blessed to have her helping me for
my first steps in Seoul (서을).

My first impression of Seoul (서을) has been really positive. I have been so impressed by the dynamism of the city: all these restaurants, shops, markets etc...I'm so impatient to discover the culture/habits, visit famous places, eat some traditional food. I think I will not ever be bored in this city.

Today was my first day at work. This morning, we had a meeting where I could discover the firm (Redergen - 리더겐), the products and meet my colleagues. 
Now, I realize the chance I have to work and live in a wonderful like Seoul.

Before arriving here i thought that i would be lost in this big city but I was totally wrong because I already feel like ...at home.

To be continued...

2016년 4월 13일 수요일

Korean park impression by Redergen's Interns/ 리더겐 인턴 하국의 공원 느김

Korean park impression by Redergen's Interns/ 리더겐 인턴 하국의 공원 느김

- Hyochang park 효창공원, Namsan Park 남사공원, Yeouido park 여의도공원


At Chongpa-dong 총파동 it have a University names Sookmyung women university 숙명여자대학교, this is a big school for girls and beside it it have this little but pretty park names Hyochang park 효창공원.
I didn't know that it have this park at 2 minutes from my home but I happy to see it.

in this park 공원, people play basket ball, badminton, running or just chilling with friends and family.
beside it, it have a soccer stadium, which had a match a few times ago.

But this park is not really a simple park, is firstly a memorial.
For the royal noble consort UI of the Seong clan 의빈 성씨 and her son Crown Prince Munhyo 문효세자, this park created on 1940's with Japanese's colonization.

But, the provisional Government of the republic of Korea interred three men, names the Three Martyrs 삼의사묘.

And, I didn't know before yesterday, but my neighbor told me that every 13 April, it have a memorial ceremony for the anniversary of the establishment of the provisional government. I missed it, but that's fine ^^

In France, park what I went were not really like that. in France, it have much of lawn so we can make a picnic and sleep on the lawn with sunshine. but in Korea it's very different, it have a lot of road and if you would like to make a picnic this is on a "little open house by wood" which have to take off your shoes. and sometimes as at Hyochang park 효창공원 it have this little bookcase.

What I like the most in Korean park, is their sport's machine ! ㅋㅋㅋ
In France it doesn't have everywhere this sport's machine, but in Korea, every park it have one place or many place for it.
it's good because you don't have to pay a sports hall to loose some kilos ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

So I appreciated this visit at Korean park, of course I didn't go at all park but now that the sun comes I will go there many times

Good day to you, 

2016년 4월 4일 월요일

New Redergen's Intern Diena arrival / 새로운 프랑스 인턴 Diena, 리더겐에 오다

New Redergen's Intern Diena arrival /  새로운 프랑스 인턴 Diena, 리더겐에 오다

- First time in Korea

I was so exited to come because it was my first time going this far (Paris/Seoul). The trip goes very well with Qatar airways. The food in the plane was delicious ^^ I also had a stop at Doha. 

So my friends came bring me to my new "칩" near to 서을역. There are a lot of shops and restaurants. And what I appreciate the most is that Seoul is a living city with a lot of people and tourists.

Sunday, I wanted to visit a place but we couldn't because we had to many things to do... and also it was raining. It was a simple week-end, yeah. This night, I didn't really sleep, I was thinking about what will happened Monday at the company, with my roommates. 

I had a lot of expectation of this city and the company because my friends were already here and they seem to enjoy Korean life style so I hope everything goes well for me too.

I hope I will have a lot of funny days and good memories in Korea !
