2016년 5월 22일 일요일

Everland day by Redergen's interns/ 리더겐의 인턴으로 에버랜드 일

Everland day Redergen's interns/ 에버랜드 일 리더겐의 인턴
- Amusement park
This Saturday, we went at Everland amusement park.
I was so exciting because I heard so much about this place that I was expected so many things.
But firstly, I didn't know that it was so far ! We took 2 hours to go there by subway it was too much.
when, we arrived at everline station and that the man told us that we must take a bus, we was like "우리는 지금 무엇을?". After a few minutes we decided to take the bus and fortunately the bus just take 10 minutes to arrived at Everland.

When we arrived front the door, it was so beautiful, and we thought it's as Disneyland Paris. It's like another world, a fairy tale, we decide to took some videos and pictures and then we went to buy our tickets. The tickets is normally 52.000₩, but because we are foreigner it's 47.000₩.

After that, we went directly to eat because we was so~ hungryㅋㅋㅋ
So we search for somethings as hamburger's restaurant and we find it. But the price it was a little bit more than in Seoul. But, my estomac decided by myself and we ate there.

When we finished, we thought about to make something quiet and not "dangerous". Because, we juts finished to eat it could happened something, then we search and search and search again, and finally we decided to make the rollercoaster, it was not the big one, we went at Rolling X-Train. It was so funny but because Sarah didn't digest, she didn't. I was so sorry for her.
In the Rolling X-Train, I was beside Diena, I laughed so much because she was all the round screaming and at the end, she told me that "it was funny", it suprised me.

After Rolling X-Train we went at Magic land, it was so beautiful because of flowers. There is a lot of flowers and a garden, I think the name is "garden of love" or something like that. it was so beautiful that we took some pictures. 

Then, we went at the Columbus Adventure, sarah cames with us for this time and all people would like to go on the side but we go a little bit on the center because of Diena ㅎㅎㅎ
iI was so cool because when the boat went forward we said "Ole!" and after a few round all people were saying "Ole!", so it was so funny. 

When we get out the attraction we saw in the map Thunder Falls, it's a rollercoaster but with all water and people who was living this place was all wet.
Because of sun too many people would like to play this game and then we wait 50 minutes before going there. It was too long but when we arrived at the boat we feel so good because of fresh water. 
So we get in the boat and one monent the boat make something strange and we was all wet before the fall. 
Front the fall, we all was afraid because of slope, it was really steep, and we thinking about making a good face because of camera. But, when we fall, we didn't think about camera but taking the boat with our hands and for me "do not wet my face". When we was at the bottom I turn my head and I saw Diena and sarah and Sarah DP wet as a fish. They were wet to their heads into their feet. And I laughed again. They take a good shower and then we were laughing all the road.
We make some another attraction as Racing Coaster, which is... jus for child but... well we searched something soft. We met there a little boy who was always eating pop corn and watching us. He was so cute when he told us "hello" and "I love you", I liked to make a hug.

We take a cable car to went at the big RollerCoster, which is T express. It's very big and a lot of people was waiting to play it. This time just me and Sarah DP went to this attraction because the others were too afraid and Sarah felt still not good.
When we was on the file, Sarah Dp told me that she's not afraid... but she was. She repeat all the time  she was not a looser, and sometimes she ask me "why we did it". It was so funny to saw her divided like that.

when we arrived front the train she told me "OMG I'm not afraid", and I laughed on my mind. we seat and she was still afraid but this time it was because of security.
I didn't know that she was afraid like that but it just make me laugh.
when the train went with us, all people on the train was so~~ stay quiet and then... TADAM! the train went so fast and then when we falled I thought my protection could open and I will flying.
it was really fast, and normally I didn't screaming in a attraction but this one was totally and very crazy!

after that, it was the night so we decided to go back home and then we took angain our 2 hours.


Good day to you,

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